In celebration of our 15th anniversary, we asked some of our students what they love about the Yoga Lounge. Here’s what they had to say:
“Thank you for “showing up” each and every time in body, mind and spirit!” – Kathy Bugo
“Why I love The Yoga Lounge? Because of those who lead practice! Over the years we have been unbelievably blessed to have marvelous individuals lead and inspire us. From Candace, Esther , Nicole, Mindy, Sarai, Erin (both Evans and Urton!), Sarah (M. J.) and Jen to those we still have the opportunity to see at The Lounge. We benefit daily from their energy, creativity and commitment.” – Colleen Martin
“I love the yoga lounge because it is so good for my body and mind. I always feel better after a class. I have learned a lot about my body and have become much stronger. I have met many good friends there and love “Yoga Coffee” as much as the class. The teachers continue to improve and love to share their knowledge. It’s a comfortable space- a home away from home. Thanks to the Yoga Lounge for making my life a better one!” – Val Cook
“I love the Lounge because it’s a place where I am comfortable yet challenged, where I am recognized for who I am and also for the potential of who I can be. The skill, expertise and depth of practice of the instructors as well as my fellow students is unsurpassed by any other studio I’ve ever practiced at, and that inspires me daily. I love the variety of offerings. I love the circle of people I’ve become a part of and always feel welcomed and supported by. Thank you for being such a treasure and anchor in our community!” – Kari Woo
“The Lounge has a variety of teachers. Every class I learn a new approach, reason, posture, connection or correction. I am learning about my body, its balance and strength. But most of all I am learning how to approach calmness, or what it could be to be calm. I think to be calm is to be present. I am learning to breath and accept my life, my pain as well as my blessings. The practice of yoga is giving me time and space to just be. The Yoga Lounge, my teachers and my fellow students here are a positive influence in my life. Thank you for your patience with me.” – Chrissy Nickerson

“I love the Yoga Lounge because it has been here throughout my life. Yoga is something I will always have with me, and the Yoga Lounge allows me feel grounded and sure of the future. My mum began taking me to yoga when I was 6 and I look forward to continuing my practice throughout my life. Thanks!” -Naia Noyes West
“Dear Jeff and everyone, I do love the lounge! And just to prove it, here are a a few words I had fun putting together. Happy Anniversary, and thank you for all you do. You have a fantastic team of teachers, and I feel so blessed to be able to practice in that bright, positive space every week.” – Barbara Parker
“There are as many reasons as many as there are days to practice. Here are only a few-
- Every good thing of this valley is reflected at the Lounge. Our collective sense of landscape, community, and the poetry of living, reside in the stronghold we call the Yoga Lounge. I believe we feel it, and use it in our practice
- The best teachers are drawn to teach at the Lounge. I’m constantly wow-ed by them. They are so good! And so much fun! Yay for props!
- If it weren’t for the Lounge, I don’t know if I would have ever learned how following a practice leads to an incredible expanse of perspective.
- The walls are soaked with the blessed energy of practitioners from over the years.
- It is a place of peace, understanding and compassion.
- The Lounge helps make me feel deeply lucky everyday. Even when I’m not actually there.
Yay! Happy Anniversary Yoga Lounge! Thanks for the early morning classes!” – Tina Fong
“O, let me count the ways! The Yoga Lounge is very important to me. It is a place of community, of awakening, of yoga philosophy, of somatic awareness. It is where I can bring my entire human condition and always feel more settled in it when I leave. It is where I continue to meet myself. The teachings at Yoga Lounge in Canmore encompass body, mind and spirit. We’re so blessed to have you in our midst!” – Genevieve Wright
“Because the Lounge offers me 75 minutes of peace and calmness; time to slow down and reflect on what is truly important. I thoroughly enjoy the classes, teachers and atmosphere of the Yoga Lounge. Thank you!” – Kari Smith
“I love the lounge for the energy and stillness in my mind , body and spirit. I love the lounge because I am stronger, more flexible and continue to grow in my practice. Most of all… I am injury free to play in the Bow Valley!I love the lounge for sharing in this happy journey. Thank you!” – Linda Prenioslo

“The view out the windows! When I come to any class I love to set up my mat and look at those lovely mountains out the window. They seem to centre me and give me strength. Then I absorb the feeling of calm peace within the walls and floor of the Lounge. I immediately feel myself settle, gain strength and confidence; I know that any teacher will lead me into a practice that will allow my body to heal itself, to reach its full potential.” – Marg Rees
“The thing I love the most about the Yoga Lounge is that it is more consistent than I am, that I have been able to leave every summer and then return when the sun starts to disappear again, I love the people that welcome me back every time, I LOVE LOVE LOVE 6:30am yoga!!!! I don’t know which of these I love the most and there’s so much more that draws me back every time, but I guess I love me being there the most. Thank you for everything you do.” – Paul Berkenbosch
“What the Yoga Lounge means to me is my yogi community and teachings. I have been coming to the lounge for 15 years and sometimes very faithfully and I’ve been guided beautifully with all the amazing teachers there. And I am so thankful for them and that. I always say if we all invite yoga into our lives we will be better for it. I am still working on what being a yogi means to me and I really like what I have learned from the Yoga Lounge but now I am ready to take it future and learn more about the chakras and service and much more. So thank you Yoga Lounge for being my special yoga community and opening doors to clarity, learning and questioning.” – Susan Knapton
“Because Jeff made great videos on the Three Sisters development proposal. Sound boring? Never!” – Anne Wilson
“I have such fond memories of shared mother/daughter times @ The Yoga Lounge. For the past five years during my bi-annual visits to Canmore in the summer months and again at Christmas, as a guest, I would always try to include a class in our plans to re-connect with ourselves and each other. Now that I have semi-retired and permanently re-located to this beautiful town, The Yoga Lounge is a place I feel “at home” and welcome. There are numerous opportunities to learn and grow with such amazing and knowledgeable teachers in many disciplines. Well Done!” – Nancy McManus
“Because last week when I was feeling tired and a little low I climbed those many stairs dragging my feet on each step and debating just turning around and going home but then I was at the landing and I looked at the many pairs of shoes awaiting their owners at the door. And I smiled because I knew that in a minute I would feel the magic of the lounge, the class, the teacher transforming my day, my body, my life and the burdens of the world lifted and I was home. Thanks Hil and Jeff. Thank you to all the wonderful teachers and yoginis. Happy birthday YL!” – Julie F.

“Why I Love the Lounge? That’s easy: the teachers. The wonderful diversity in style, technique, focus, priority, surprise, attention, care, kindness, and love. No matter how I’m feeling: emotionally, spiritually, physically, intellectually – coming to class grounds me, centres me, nudges me to stay on path and I’m ready for anything! Thank you for the best yoga experience in the universe. Your generous spirit is its genesis.” – Chirps Kairn
“Between Jeff and his wooden dowel and Lindsay and her massage balls, its always an adventure. Sometimes that adventure is painful but its also amazing. Thanks to all of you at the Lounge! Namaste.”
– Heather K
“I love the many enthusiastic and skillful teachers at the Yoga Lounge. The Yoga Lounge is now part of my community, and I try to attend as many classes as I can- it’s my gift to myself” – Jude Daniels
“When I first moved to Canmore on my own 3 years ago, not knowing anyone, The Yoga Lounge was the first community where I found belonging, connectedness, and acceptance. In every class I learn a little bit more about the importance of accepting where I am right now, finding joy through play, and pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone. These have helped me grow both on and off my mat. I hear these lessons through all of the instructors’ encouragements, whether it be during one of Elisa’s classes when she says “just play – what’s the worst that could happen? You might fall – that’s not so bad.” or Peter’s constant reminder to “try easy – don’t try hard” and “put a little smile on your face.” And then of course there’s Jeff, who makes you breathe because you have to, to laugh at his jokes – a good reminder to not take yourself so seriously. The great thing about The Yoga Lounge is that no instructor will ever force you to do anything you don’t want to, but all of them are there, constantly and subtly encouraging us in all of their individual ways when we are ready to truly hear the lessons they have to offer. This has led me to many “aha” moments, and I am forever changed and constantly changing for the better because of the wonderful Yoga Lounge family. In gratitude always – thank you.” – Joelle Durette
“Dear Yoga Lounge,Thank You….For your safe and warm, nurturing environment. For being this incredibly supportive community within a community.For offering your wide variety of great classes with excellent instructors and support staff.For your beautiful facility and goddess wall, along with extra toys (some call these bolsters, straps, chairs and dowel walls)! HahahaFor your friendly outgoing, compassionate and humourous self.You have helped me to build my practice and encouraged me to go deeper, with the ongoing support and knowledge you have shared.You make each and every person who comes through the door feel recognized and special.You are truly special. Thank you. Namaste.” – Joannie

“When I first moved to Canmore, I did 2 things: joined the Quilting Guild and the Yoga Lounge, both for a sense of community and well-being. Nine years later, both continue to support me. In this stormy world, we all need a home beyond our physical one. For me, that is the Yoga Lounge. It’s a safe place where I’ve shed tears, healed a broken heart, shared fears and concerns, found stillness, quiet and inner calm. It is a mainstay of my physical and emotional journey — I grow here.” – Marlene Jones
“The Yoga Lounge has been my place of community, strength, power, support, laughter, tears, sweat, joy, struggle, wonder, break throughs, victories, beauty, peace, frustration, encouragement, wonder, kindness, hugs, understanding, openness, content, coolness, craziness, excitement, love and bliss. Thank you to Jeff, Hilary, Kate and all the instructors.” – Rose Moser
“I love the lounge. Incredibly talented instructors, beautiful space, wonderful yoga community, diversity of classes…we are so lucky to have you all!” – Tracey Henderson
“The Yoga Lounge is a LIFELINE providing a sound baseline for and restorative practice from ……activity, encouraging safe mobility and enjoyment as life goes on. This is a place where, regardless of physical flexibility, one can find a niche in which to begin and pursue safe personal progress under the guidance and instruction of professionals. Opportunities abound for establishing friendships among like minded “regulars”. I sincerely anticipate returning “home” to the Yoga Lounge in the fall. Namaste.” – Bev Hughes-Rowley“It’s been a few years since I started coming to the lounge, and what I love the most about it is the consistency of the lessons and instructors. I can vanish for months to abuse my body on a different continent and return knowing that Jeff and the other instructors will have me back on track in a matter of weeks. That’s why I love the lounge!” – Michael Dewar
“I love the big studio space with no mirror. Before I came to the Yoga Lounge, I only knew studios that had big mirrors. Now I feel like I don’t need to focus on perfect poses and am able to listen to my own body. The Yoga lounge offer variety of teaches and classes and all teachers are super nice! So when I can’t take class that I want, I still want to go other class and that’s important for me to make myself keep going back to yoga. The Yoga lounge taught me how deep is yoga world and it’s endless to learn and grow about myself. Thank you!!!” – Maho Hasegawa-Foster
“The yoga lounge is a place where:
I am known by name
I am breathed
to puddle into juicy spots
to feel the fear and do it anyway
to feel vulnerability and strength
to let go of possessions and titles
to live in the moment
to connect to all that is
of friendship and yoga coffee
A place of peace and grace” – Wilma G. Rubens
“The Lounge was my first connection to the community of Canmore when I moved here almost 6 years ago. Through it, I have met many like minded friends and have become stronger in body and mind. Your classes are challenging, playful, and motivating. I credit the fact that I now have triceps, to your classes! Yoga has helped me persevere through other challenges in the rest of my life as well for which I am grateful. And your classes are often the highlight of my day! All my best in your next 15 years!” – Brandy
“I’ve been a member of the Yoga Lounge for the most part of the past 15 years. I’ve watched it evolve from strictly Ashtanga to what it is now. It is a community, a place to make friends with like minded people who are want a healthy lifestyle. Most of all, the Yoga Lounge staff make everyone feel special and they work very hard with what is going on in each of our bodies and target the practice for our issues. My flexibility is so much better than other people in my age group and I know it is because yoga. I think we would be hard pressed to find a better yoga studio anywhere in Canada with the well trained and dedicated instructors we have. The space is beautiful, sun drenched with huge windows looking out at the Canadian Rockies. The props keep coming and it keeps changing. It is my bliss!” – Gloria Folden
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